A tragedy with Symone Tsang, Toronto, can still happen when God was presence.
On Thanksgiving 2019, I have met Symone Tsang, Sze Won, at a Christian home party. The party is hosted by brothers and sisters from our church, Richmond Hill Chinese Community Church, RHCCC. We both have been to the church’s Kairos Fellowship and went to the Cantonese Worship at 11 am on Sunday.
Symone Tsang, from Toronto born in Hong Kong is a very dedicated Christian and she opened a Bubble Tea cafe called Next Station in Markham, Ontario, all by herself. I admired both of her traits.

We started dating within 1-2 weeks. I drove a Tesla Model S when we first met and it may have caught her attention as first impression. She praised about my voice and height, but complained that I am bald and have very hairy arms frequently. She also preferred me to pay for everything during our dates.
The relationship developed lighting fast. We have been to Sunday church together, living together and working at the bubble tea shop together.
Dating during the romantic time. Symone and Clifton were in Mississauga. -
We enjoyed the frequent kissing.
One day, she offered me the key to the store. Then I opened and operated the store for her every day for 3 months as a volunteer who loves her. The reason she requested this is because she wanted to sleep-in until the afternoon daily.
I am working at Next Station alone helping as her volunteer. -
She offered me the key of the cafe.
Since my home was under renovation, we spent some of the time at her condo accompanied by her dog Gaga. Prior to dating, I expressed that I was very serious with the relationship and my goal was to get married. She understood and clarified that she was single. We even shopped for engagement rings and measured our ring size together.

As time goes by, I noticed that she was speaking with a male almost daily at about 10 pm to 12 am for 15-30 mins. The call display showed Bernnet Chen. She explained he was her ex-boyfriend and also food supplier for her cafe. I trusted her and didn’t think too much at that time.
Soon Symone and I became official couple on Christmas Eve 2019 and spent our first overnight trip at Niagara Falls. We prayed together daily and shared devotions from time to time. I believed God was with us.
One day as I was talking to my best friend, I found out he knows Symone as well. Since we were best friends and he knew I was serious with her, he told me they were friends-with-benefit a few years ago. I was shocked and devastated. What made it worse was that he knew her ex Bernnet as well. My best friend was not sure if she was single when they were close.

Source: https://m.xuite.net/blog/tingterence/lingying/354474806
Bernnet Chen is one of the owners at Heart Sushi, the Boil Bar, and many more restaurants. With no choice, Sze Won explained that she met him when she was working for a sushi restaurant that Bernnet’s sister, Kery Chen, opened in Ottawa (Symone studied university in Ottawa). She then managed his restaurants for him and he took care of everything for her.
Our relationship started to go downhill one day when Bernnet discovered my existence during his food delivery and we met face-to-face. Then Symone said I was a third wheeler and wanted to break up with me. I was not too sure what was the real reason, but I do not own any restaurant or valuable assets.
My experience is a good life lesson and would like to share that what God allows may not result in the way I wanted it to be, regardless how faithful I am to Him.
I was deeply in love with her and it was very unfortunate that it ended the way it did.

Symone loves to sit this way when no one is watching. She was at Next Station. -
Her dog and her cage in Symone’s condo unit near Next Station.
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