My dearest lady in my life is Cherry Cheung, Cherry Hei Wan Cheung. She work at Richmond Hill, Ontario as a Certified Financial Planning (CFP) Professional and a Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT) qualifier. We both live in Markham, Canada.
We both Love Jesus and went to Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) in Scarborough. We went to Harvest Bible Chapel – York Region. We learnt about the Words of God together and went to Urbana together. It was a life changing experience for us and felt God was in between us throughout the journey.
We saw our flaws during the conference. We saw our weaknesses and strengths. We praised God and received His blessings. Because of this trip, we see how connected we are spiritually and mentally.
We have a lot of common interests and have the same value in life. With God’s plan, we met years ago to plan the seed for our current state. Currently we are praying for our next step and seeking wisdom on guidance from God.

Her Facebook is
Instagram: HungryHungryCherry

During the time of dating, a lot of obstacles came. Though the obstacles are hard and bigger each time, we believe they are challenges from God. We see the timing of them is very coincidental and have no doubt that they are lessons provided to us from God. We are still facing them daily and wish we can overcome them with discernment.

Chronicle Financial Corp, Richmond Hill..