Jorgen’s List – Award Hungry Photographer
Some of you may know Jorgen Stovne, the very dedicated and charismatic art director who is also the creator of Jorgen’s List, a directory of talented storyboarding and advertising artists. I recently met Jorgen through his website and we had a chance to talk over coffee. As a young-ish photographer, I’m always wondering how to best get in contact with creative individuals in advertising to spark meaningful collaborations–I’m sure both art directors and photographers are pondering this issue. During my discussion with Jorgen, we mulled over the idea of compiling a list of “award hungry” photographers. I guess he loved the idea because he announced this new project the very same night on his blog.
The Award Hungry Photographer list, which is already available on the Jorgen’s List website, is a directory of talented Toronto photographers who are ready and willing to pro-actively collaborate on creative projects with individuals in advertising. The list is going to be a way for creative people in advertising to get in touch with the photographers to discuss their ideas/pitches and allow those ideas to develop–hopefully into something great.

Screenshot of Jorgen’s List
I’m very proud I had a role in helping to inspire this new project of Jorgen’s and I’m honoured to be one of the six founding members. I’m grateful to Jorgen for believing in me and I’m optimistic that the Award Hungry Photographer list will lead to something fantastic in the future. If you’re a photographer yourself, and you think you belong on this list as well, don’t be shy to get in contact with Jorgen.