Top 10 Artists at Ryerson University

Cover of The Eyeopener, Mar 2012, Vol.45, Issue 21
The Eyeopener is Ryerson’s largest and independent student-run newspaper that is strongly committed in covering news, sports, arts, culture and business for students on campus. This year, Sean Wetselaar, Arts and Life editor of the Eyeopener, dedicated a number of pages to feature the top 10 artists in the Ryerson community so that we can “celebrate” rather to marginalize their talents. As Wetselaar said, “Justifying a degree in your life’s greatest passion can seem a lot harder than it should be” and I am thankful that I can be practicing and studying what I love.
The Eyeopener had an open-call for nomination in the community and selected students from a wide range of Ryerson’s best programs. I was very fortunate to be among one of the top 10 artists and was featured along with fashion designers, new media artists and even upcoming actors in the theatre program.