2010 Applied Arts Student Award Winner
In the recent issue of Applied Arts Magazine (Vol. 25, No. 4, Oct 2010 Issue), I am very joyful to be one of the student winners in the ‘Photography – Single’ catagory. Thank you once again to Ryerson University for providing me with such a wonderful learning environment.
The following is my winning image:
Category: Photography – Single
Title: Water Equations
“A body entering water makes a splash, whose height depends on the mass, speed, and shape of the object. Since about 80% of a fruit’s mass is water, the height of the splash each fruit creates will be related to its size and the amount of water it contains. The waterline in the images creates equality between liquid, solid, and gas; an equal sign that brings the equation of each image together.”

Page 152 – Tear sheet of Applied Art Magazine, Vol. 25, No. 4
November 10, 2010

Exterior of Artscape Wychwood Barns
The exhibit took place at a new venue, Artscape Wychwood Barns, located in the trendy St. Clair & Christie area of Toronto.
“Formerly streetcar repair barns for the TTC, this historic industrial site was transformed into a multifaceted community centre where arts and culture are brought together to foster a strong sense of community.”

2010 Applied Arts Winners Exhibit

My Winning Piece – Water Equations

Clifton Li and his piece

Other Award Winners from Ryerson University – (left to right) Yeounjung Kim, Amanda McNaughton, and Ainsley Boyd.